
Apa itu AI?

Pengenalan Asas Tentang AI

Sebelum kita mendalami lebih lanjut tentang kecerdasan buatan atau AI, mari kita fahami dahulu apa yang sebenarnya dimaksudkan dengan AI. AI, singkatan kepada “artificial intelligence”, ialah kemampuan komputer atau mesin untuk meniru tingkah laku dan pemikiran manusia. Secara mudahnya, AI adalah teknologi yang membolehkan mesin “berfikir” dan “bertindak” seperti manusia. Contohnya, AI boleh membantu kita dalam banyak perkara seperti:

  1. Pembantu Maya:
    Siri dan Google Assistant adalah contoh AI yang boleh menjawab soalan, memberi cadangan, dan menguruskan jadual harian kita.

  2. Sistem Pengesanan Wajah:
    Teknologi yang digunakan dalam telefon pintar untuk mengenali muka kita dan membuka kunci peranti.

  3. Pemanduan Autonomi:
    Kereta tanpa pemandu yang boleh memandu sendiri menggunakan AI untuk mengesan jalan, mengelak halangan, dan membuat keputusan semasa memandu.

AI berfungsi melalui gabungan algoritma yang kompleks. Algoritma ini membolehkan mesin memproses data, mengenali corak, dan membuat keputusan yang biasanya memerlukan pemikiran manusia. Contoh lain termasuklah aplikasi dalam perubatan di mana AI boleh menganalisis imej perubatan untuk mengesan penyakit lebih awal, atau dalam bidang kewangan untuk meramalkan trend pasaran dan menguruskan risiko.

Dengan teknologi AI, kehidupan seharian kita menjadi lebih mudah dan efisien. AI membantu dalam automasi tugas-tugas rutin, memberikan kita lebih masa untuk fokus pada perkara yang lebih penting dan kreatif.

Bagaimana AI Dilatih

Proses melatih AI (training) melibatkan dua komponen utama iaitu data dan model. Data yang relevan dikumpulkan dan digunakan untuk melatih model AI. Untuk memudahkan pemahaman, bayangkan proses melatih AI seperti mengajar kanak-kanak.

Sebagai contoh, untuk mengajar seorang kanak-kanak tentang rupa bentuk kucing, kita akan menunjukkan pelbagai gambar dan video kucing. Setelah beberapa lama, kanak-kanak itu akan mengenali rupa kucing. Proses yang sama juga berlaku untuk melatih AI. Model AI diberikan data yang banyak tentang kucing – gambar, video, dan maklumat terperinci tentang ciri-ciri kucing. Lama kelamaan, model AI akan dapat mengenali kucing dalam gambar baru yang belum pernah dilihatnya.

Selain daripada mengenal pasti gambar kucing, AI juga dilatih untuk pelbagai tugas lain seperti:

  1. Pengenalan Ucapan:
    AI diajar untuk memahami dan menukar suara manusia kepada teks. Contohnya, asisten maya seperti Siri dan Google Assistant menggunakan data suara yang banyak untuk belajar dan mengenali arahan pengguna.

  2. Pemanduan Automatik:
    Kereta tanpa pemandu dilatih dengan data dari jutaan jam rakaman perjalanan. Data ini termasuk pelbagai situasi lalu lintas, keadaan cuaca, dan isyarat jalan. Melalui latihan ini, AI belajar membuat keputusan seperti memandu, memberhentikan kenderaan, dan mengelak halangan.

  3. Diagnosis Perubatan:
    AI digunakan dalam bidang perubatan untuk membantu doktor mendiagnosis penyakit. Dengan menganalisis data dari ribuan rekod perubatan dan imej perubatan seperti MRI dan X-ray, AI boleh mengenal pasti tanda-tanda penyakit lebih awal dan dengan ketepatan yang tinggi.

  4. Terjemahan Bahasa:
    AI dilatih dengan beribu-ribu dokumen dalam pelbagai bahasa untuk belajar menterjemah teks secara automatik. Alat terjemahan seperti Google Translate menggunakan teknologi AI untuk menyediakan terjemahan yang lebih tepat dan semulajadi.

Dengan melatih AI menggunakan data yang banyak dan pelbagai, kita dapat mencipta mesin yang bukan sahaja pintar tetapi juga berupaya membantu manusia dalam pelbagai bidang dan industri.

Apa yang AI Boleh Buat?

  1. Pengenalan Wajah dan Pengecaman
    AI telah merevolusikan cara kita mengenali wajah dan melakukan pengecaman. Dengan teknik pengenalan wajah, sistem AI boleh mengenali individu berdasarkan ciri-ciri unik wajah mereka. Teknologi ini digunakan dalam keselamatan, seperti sistem pengawasan di lapangan terbang dan stesen kereta api untuk mengesan penjenayah yang dikehendaki. Di samping itu, aplikasi pengurusan kehadiran di tempat kerja juga menggunakan pengenalan wajah untuk memantau kehadiran pekerja secara automatik.

  2. Penterjemahan Automatik
    Penterjemahan automatik kini semakin penting dengan bantuan AI. Sistem penterjemahan mesin yang dibantu AI mampu menerjemahkan teks dari satu bahasa ke bahasa lain dengan cepat dan tepat. Contohnya, aplikasi seperti Google Translate menggunakan AI untuk menawarkan terjemahan dalam masa nyata, memudahkan komunikasi antarabangsa. Ini sangat berguna dalam sektor pelancongan, perniagaan global, dan juga dalam konteks pendidikan, di mana bahan pembelajaran dapat diakses dalam pelbagai bahasa.

  3. Analitik Perniagaan
    AI digunakan secara meluas untuk membantu perniagaan membuat keputusan. Dengan menganalisis data besar dan kompleks, sistem AI memberikan maklumat berharga kepada pengurus perniagaan untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih tepat dan berinformasi. Contohnya, dalam sektor runcit, AI boleh menganalisis corak pembelian pelanggan untuk meramalkan permintaan produk masa depan, manakala dalam kewangan, AI membantu mengesan penipuan dan mengurus risiko pelaburan dengan lebih berkesan.

  4. Robotik dan Automasi
    AI telah memacu perkembangan dalam robotik dan automasi. Dengan kecerdasan buatan, robot dapat belajar dan berinteraksi dengan persekitaran mereka. Contoh-contoh penggunaan robotik termasuk robot di kilang-kilang yang mampu memasang komponen dengan tepat, serta robot di hospital yang membantu dalam pembedahan dengan ketepatan yang tinggi. Di sektor perkhidmatan pelanggan, chatbot yang didorong oleh AI digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan pelanggan dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan segera.

  5. Pengenalan Suara dan Pengecaman
    Teknologi AI membolehkan pengenalan suara dan pengecaman yang lebih baik. Sistem AI boleh mengenali suara manusia, memahami perintah suara, dan memberikan respons yang sesuai. Contohnya, pembantu maya seperti Siri dan Google Assistant menggunakan teknologi ini untuk menjawab soalan, menghantar mesej, dan mengawal peranti pintar di rumah. Dalam perubatan, AI juga digunakan untuk mencatat nota klinikal berdasarkan arahan suara, menjimatkan masa dan meningkatkan kecekapan doktor.

  6. Kenderaan Autonomi
    AI juga memainkan peranan besar dalam pembangunan kenderaan autonomi, atau kenderaan tanpa pemandu. Dengan menggunakan pelbagai sensor dan algoritma pembelajaran mesin, kenderaan ini boleh mengesan dan bertindak balas terhadap persekitaran mereka. Syarikat-syarikat seperti Tesla dan Waymo sedang mengembangkan kenderaan yang boleh mengurangkan kemalangan jalan raya dan meningkatkan kecekapan lalu lintas.

  7. Perubatan dan Penjagaan Kesihatan
    AI telah membawa perubahan besar dalam bidang perubatan dan penjagaan kesihatan. Sistem AI digunakan untuk menganalisis imej perubatan seperti X-ray dan MRI untuk mengesan penyakit seperti kanser dengan lebih awal dan tepat. Selain itu, AI juga digunakan dalam penyelidikan perubatan untuk mencari penawar baru dengan menganalisis data genetik dan ujian klinikal.

Dengan pelbagai kebolehan ini, AI telah membawa transformasi besar kepada pelbagai industri dan mempunyai potensi yang tidak terhingga dalam meningkatkan kehidupan kita.

Walau bagaimanapun, seperti mana-mana teknologi, AI mempunyai kelebihan dan kelemahan yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Contohnya, walaupun AI dapat meningkatkan kecekapan dan produktiviti, terdapat juga kebimbangan tentang privasi data, kehilangan pekerjaan akibat automasi, dan isu etika dalam penggunaan AI.

Oleh itu, adalah penting untuk kita menggunakan teknologi ini dengan bijak dan bertanggungjawab.


AI Unleashes Creativity, Reduces Workload

Microsoft is encouraging human-AI collaboration for the future of work by introducing Copilot across its office apps. The latest 2023 Work Trend Index study reveals that many Malaysian workers are burdened by digital debt – an overload of data, emails, and messages that exceeds their processing capacity. This hinders innovation among 77% of local respondents.

However, with AI playing a copilot role, 84% of Malaysian workers are willing to offload tasks to AI to reduce their workload. In fact, over 4 in 5 individuals in Malaysia are comfortable using AI for analysis and creativity – not just administrative tasks.

“AI is not meant to replace workers, but to unleash their creativity,” asserts K Raman, Managing Director of Microsoft Malaysia. Most employers also recognize AI’s value in boosting productivity.

Hence, every worker needs to be equipped with new skills such as framing AI prompts. 76% of Malaysian workers admit to lacking relevant skills for their current roles. Meanwhile, 90% of leaders predict the need for new skills in the AI era.

To help realize human-AI collaboration, Microsoft is expanding early access to Copilot in Microsoft 365 and introducing new features like the DALL-E image generator in PowerPoint and Copilot learning in Viva. Get ready to transform in the new world of work!

DALL·E 2023-12-06 16.38.23 - Illustrate an abstract representation of user experience design showing a blend of elements such as a clear structure, diversity, enjoyment, and usefu

Characteristics of Good User Experience Design

Spotting a well-designed product is straightforward, yet defining its excellence can be elusive. What propels a product to meet its user’s needs efficiently? It could hinge on its simplicity, framework, or practicality, varying with each product.


A product’s clarity in design, function, and intent, making it intuitive to use. To gauge usability, consider if the design is navigable, its functions comprehensible, and whether it enables users to perform intended tasks effectively.

For instance, when assessing an airline app designed primarily to reserve flights, a user-friendly interface that simplifies entering travel information exemplifies strong usability.


Design signifies inclusivity, catering to users with varied abilities and backgrounds. It transcends mere equal access, striving for equal success by providing tailored tools for achieving goals, crucial for marginalized groups.

For example, a social app’s equity can be reflected in its inclusive features, like a diverse emoji selection and gender-neutral avatars.


Design seeks to delight users, aligning with their emotions and forging a positive bond. While not imperative for functionality, it elevates the user experience by engaging and pleasing users.

Consider a video streaming service; features like custom recommendations and account customization can significantly enhance enjoyment.


The design effectively resolves user issues. Distinguishable from usability, it specifically targets problem-solving. Useful designs may not always be user-friendly, and vice versa.

Take a banking app: features enabling money transfers and bill payments are not just functional but solve real user problems.


How Facebook Knows Your Interests?

Now, the big question: Does Facebook know exactly what you search on Google? The quick answer is no. But there’s this thing called ‘Facebook Pixel.’ It’s not a crystal ball but a tool many websites use to gather hints about you, like your IP address. Advertisers then use this to show you ads on Facebook that match your interests.


Apa itu Email Phishing? Kenali Jenis dan Cara Menghindarinya

Email phishing merupakan ancaman siber yang serius, dan untuk melindungi diri anda, adalah penting untuk memahami jenis-jenisnya dan mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan. Berikut adalah panduan lengkap mengenai apa itu email phishing, cara mengenal pasti jenis-jenisnya, dan langkah-langkah untuk menghindarinya.

Apa itu Email Phishing?

Email phishing ialah penipuan dalam talian di mana penyerang menyamar sebagai entiti yang dipercayai melalui emel untuk mendapatkan maklumat sensitif dari kita. Mereka mencipta pesanan yang kelihatan sah untuk memancing kita melakukan tindakan tertentu, seperti mengklik pautan berbahaya atau memberikan maklumat sulit.

Jenis-Jenis Email Phishing yang Perlu Diketahui

  • Spear Phishing: Penipuan ini lebih spesifik, di mana penjenayah menyamar sebagai individu tertentu, mungkin bos anda atau rakan sekerja.

  • Vishing (Voice Phishing): Taktik ni guna suara. Penjenayah boleh telefon anda dan buat anda percaya yang mereka dari institusi terkenal.

  • Smishing (SMS Phishing): Kali ni, penjenayah guna pesanan teks. Berhati-hati dengan pautan pelik dalam SMS!

  • Clone Phishing: Penipu akan “klon” email sah anda dan tukar beberapa perkataan atau pautan untuk tipu orang.

Cara-Cara Menghindari Email Phishing

  • Periksa Alamat Emel: Jangan tergesa-gesa klik pautan. Pastikan alamat emel betul-betul dari sumber yang sah.

  • Jangan Kongsi Maklumat Peribadi: Institusi kewangan atau syarikat terkemuka takkan minta maklumat peribadi melalui emel. Jangan jatuhkan mangsa!

  • Periksa Tanda-Tanda Aneh: Ejaan yang salah, tanda baca pelik, atau logo yang tak betul mungkin petunjuk bahaya.

Tips Keselamatan Emel yang Penting

  • Gunakan Antivirus yang Berkualiti: Pastikan komputer atau telefon pintar anda dilindungi dengan antivirus yang terkini.

  • Perbarui Kata Laluan: Selalu ubah kata laluan emel anda dan jangan guna yang sama untuk semua akaun.

  • Upgrade pengetahuan: Sentiasa mengambil tahu tentang maklumat terkini mengenai teknik penipuan yang terbaru.

Dengan memahami jenis-jenis email phishing dan mengikuti tips mudah ini, kita dapat melindungi diri daripada ancaman siber ini. Terus berwaspada, pelihara maklumat peribadi, dan terus tingkatkan pengetahuan keselamatan siber anda.


How to Create Your Own vCard QR Code with QR Stuff

In the digital age, sharing contact information efficiently is essential for personal and professional networking. One innovative and hassle-free way to do this is by using QR codes. QR (Quick Response) codes are those square patterns of black squares on a white background that you can scan with your smartphone’s camera. When scanned, these codes can instantly retrieve information. One common use of QR codes is to create a vCard QR code, which allows you to share your contact information effortlessly. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the simple process of creating your own vCard QR code using QR Stuff, a free and user-friendly online QR code generator.

Why Use a vCard QR Code?

Before we delve into the creation process, let’s briefly discuss the benefits of using a vCard QR code. A vCard is an electronic business card that contains all your contact details, including your name, phone number, email address, physical address, website URL, and more. Instead of manually entering this information into a phone or email program, a vCard QR code streamlines the process. When someone scans your QR code, their device will instantly add your contact information to their contacts list. It’s efficient, eco-friendly, and it eliminates the risk of typos or errors when manually entering data.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a vCard QR Code with QR Stuff

Step 1: Visit QR Stuff Begin by opening your web browser and navigating to the QR Stuff website. You can do this by going to Register your free account.

Step 2: Select vCard as the Data Type On the QR Stuff homepage, you’ll find a range of data types to choose from. Select Contact Details and then select “vcard” as the data type for your QR code.

Step 3: Fill in Your Contact Information Now, it’s time to enter your contact information. But first please select “vcard” and then fill in the details. The fields may include your full name, job title, organization, email address, phone number, physical address, and website URL. Make sure all the details are accurate and up to date.

Step 4: Customize Your QR Code (Optional) QR Stuff allows you to customize your QR code’s appearance. You can change the color of the QR code, add a logo or image in the center, and choose a specific pixel size. These customization options give your QR code a unique and personal touch.

Step 5: Generate Your QR Code After entering your contact information and customizing your QR code (if desired), the website will auto-generate the QR Code. You can see the you vcard QR code on the right side.

Step 6: Download Your QR Code Once your QR code is generated, you’ll see a preview of it on the screen. To download it, click the “Download as PNG” button. The QR code image will be saved to your device.

Step 7: Test Your QR Code Before sharing your vCard QR code, scan it with your smartphone’s camera or a QR code scanning app to ensure it correctly imports your contact information into your device’s contacts.



In just a few simple steps, you can create your own vCard QR code using QR Stuff, making it easier than ever to share your contact information with friends, colleagues, or potential business partners. QR codes are versatile and efficient tools that bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds, simplifying the way we connect and share vital information. Try it out for yourself and discover how convenient and powerful QR codes can be for enhancing your networking efforts in the digital age. Happy networking!


Google Search Tips & Tricks for Optimal Results

In the realm of online searches, there are instances where we might forget or get confused about finding the information we need. To assist you in achieving the best results, Google offers suggestions and ways to refine your search. Set Google as your primary Search Engine and utilize these tips & tricks to enhance your search skills:

1. “This” or “That”: If you’re unsure about the exact definition or wording, use “or” between words to refine your search. Google will provide the best results to address your confusion.

2. Multiple Results with “~”: Use the “~” symbol between words to get results that include synonyms. This helps in searching for information related to specific words and their synonyms.

3. Search Within Websites: To find something you saw on a website but forgot, use Google. Type the URL of the website followed by keywords for results related to that website.

4. Wise Use of Asterisk: Place an asterisk “*” in the place of words or numbers you can’t recall, and Google will search for matching results.

5. When Many Words are Missing: Add the word “Around” and the quantity of missing words between the desired words. This helps in finding information not fully remembered.

6. Searching Within a Time Frame: Use three dots “…” between “from” and “to” for the desired time frame. Google will display information within that time frame.

7. Know “intitle” and “inurl”: Use “intitle:” to search for keywords in the title of articles and “inurl:” to search for keywords in the URL of websites.

8. Searching Related Websites: Type “related:” before a website’s address to search for websites related to that specific site.

9. Search for Specific Phrases: Use a single or double inverted comma before and after the search query to get exact results.

10. Exclude Unnecessary Words: Use the minus “-” symbol before words you want to exclude from your search.

By mastering these tips & tricks, you’ll become a pro at using Google to search for information more efficiently. Make Google your trusted ally in searching, and explore the online world with your newfound knowledge.


Exploring the Digital Footprint: Navigating the Online World with Awareness

In this digital age, every move we make on the internet leaves a digital footprint. But what exactly is it, why do we leave it, and how can we manage our digital footprint? Let’s delve into what a digital footprint is, why we create it, and how we can handle it responsibly.


Understanding the Digital Footprint: Traces in the Digital Space

A digital footprint is the result of our activities on the internet. Every action, from consciously sharing information to unknowingly conducted activities, shapes our digital footprint. This includes personal messages, emails, browsing history, responses to content, relationship statuses, and how we use mobile devices. Our digital footprint consists of both active and passive traces.


Active Footprint: Intentional Sharing in the Digital Space

Every intentional sharing online contributes to the active footprint. It includes tweets, comments, and uploads to the cloud or email. Everything we choose to share online leaves a trace that can be tracked.


Passive Footprint: Unconscious Trails Left Behind

The digital footprint is also formed without our awareness. The passive footprint includes data collected automatically without our consent, such as the type of device used, IP address, and operating system preferences. Unconscious online activities also leave a passive footprint.


How We Leave a Digital Footprint?

Leaving a digital footprint is challenging in this technological era. However, we can reduce its impact with awareness and the following actions:

  • Control Settings Choices: Before using electronic devices, understand and control the privacy settings of browsers and websites. Being aware and managing cookies also helps reduce the digital footprint.
  • Select Information to Share: Set limits on the information you share online. Establish guidelines on the types of information that can be shared to prevent over-sharing.
  • Check and Update Information: Regularly check and update your personal information on websites and online services. Inform relevant parties if there is inaccurate information that needs updating.
  • Deactivate or Delete Old Accounts: Deactivate accounts that are no longer in use to reduce the digital footprint. Contact website services to delete information if necessary.
  • Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN): A VPN helps hide your IP address and encrypt internet traffic, giving you more control over your data and reducing third-party tracking.


Is Having a Digital Footprint Bad?

A digital footprint itself is not inherently positive or negative. It is a result of the data we share. How we manage and leverage it determines its impact. Issues arise when we are unaware of the amount of information we share or the potential risks after that information is on the internet.


Managing and Understanding Your Digital Footprint

Managing our digital footprint is our responsibility. With increased awareness and a better understanding, we can control the impact of our digital footprint. Remember, every step in the digital world contributes to the story of ourselves. By understanding our digital footprint, we can navigate the online world with more confidence and responsibility.


Optimizing Your Web Experience: A Guide to Efficiently Clearing Your Browser Cache

Do you realize that every time you browse the internet, there are numerous processes happening behind that activity? One of them is that the browser you use will collect data about preferences and various elements from a website. All this data will be stored in the cache to enhance the internet browsing experience, making it faster and smoother. However, it’s worth noting that cache can sometimes pose some issues.

Websites determine which parts will be stored in the cache and for how long they will be retained. Some elements may be cleared after a few days, while others may persist for up to a year. But what exactly is cache? We will delve further into understanding this. Let’s continue reading right away!

Question: Why is there a constant recommendation to clear the cache when logging out of internet banking websites? It seems a bit perplexing. What exactly is this cache, and why is it necessary to clear it?

Answer: The cache functions as a temporary storage space within the computer, preserving data utilized during web interactions. For users of browsers such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, all information from visited websites is temporarily stored in the cache. This encompasses login details and passwords, notably when accessing internet banking or social media.

Benefits and Awareness: The imperative of clearing the cache lies in the potential risk: if someone gains access to our computer, they could retrieve comprehensive information and data stored within the cache.

Question: But what if it’s our personal computer?

Answer: While it is acceptable for personal computers, lending our computer to someone else or using a shared computer in environments like university labs introduces elevated risks. In such instances, if unauthorized access occurs, valuable information can be extracted from the cache.

Benefits and Awareness: To mitigate these risks, it is prudent to clear cache data post-use, especially after conducting financial transactions or entering personal information. Moreover, cache clearance is a straightforward process.


How to Clear the Cache

Google Chrome:

  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  • Choose ‘Settings.’
  • Under ‘Privacy & Security,’ opt for ‘Clear Browsing Data.’
  • Select either ‘Basic’ or ‘Advanced.’
  • Choose the time range and execute ‘Clear Data.’

Mozilla Firefox:

  • Access ‘Tools.’
  • Choose ‘Options.’
  • Navigate to ‘Advanced’ and select ‘Network.’
  • Within ‘Offline Storage,’ execute ‘Clear Now.’
  • Confirm with ‘OK.’
  • Alternatively:
    • Access ‘Tools.’
    • Choose ‘Options,’ then ‘Privacy.’
    • In ‘History,’ configure to ‘Use custom settings for history.’
    • Activate ‘Clear history when Firefox closes’ and select ‘Cache.’
    • Confirm with ‘OK.’

Internet Explorer:

  • Click on ‘Tools.’
  • Select ‘Internet Options.’
  • Navigate to ‘General.’
  • Under ‘Browsing History,’ opt for ‘Delete.’
  • Choose ‘Temporary Internet Files’ and execute ‘Delete.’
  • Confirm with ‘OK.’

Benefits and Awareness

Clearing the cache not only mitigates risks but can also enhance browser speed. While the steps may vary across browsers, this concise guide is tailored for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. Vigilance in this regard ensures a secure computing experience free from unwarranted disruptions.